Tuesday, September 30, 2008

20 things about Julia

1. I hate traffic jam!
2. I love ocean, sea and everything connected with water!
3. I’m typical cancer: one step ahead two back =)
4. I prefer dogs than cats
5. My favorite color is blue… deep blue.. what means freedom.
6. I love traveling but I’m scared of flying
7. I love everything what is natural I hate artificial things and people too ;)
8. I love my country but when I’m abroad
9. I do not like 5 stars hotels – prefer smaller but comfortable =)
10. I like meet and talk with people from others countries
11. I love sushi… I do
12. I hate liver ;) it stinks!!
13. I’m more in favor of realism however I’m crazy dreamer!!!
14. I’m still looking for my love which as I hope is waiting for my somewhere.. I hope =)
15. Unpleased people push my in to fusion!!
16. I prefer houses than flats.. but life is brutal.. and when we do not have what we like we have to like what we have =)
17. I like romans movies!! It’s thru.. I hate horrors or sensation movies with S. Stalone
18. I hate wake up in the morning!!! The best time for my brain functioning is at night
19. I love when is raining but only when I’m sleeping.. =)
20. My dream – small white house on the beach…

1 comment:

Leticia Melo said...

Julia, my friend from Poland! We met in Santiago, Chile. She's clever, funny and a great travel partner! I miss you!